Bi-Weekly Update 9/26/2020

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The last two weeks has been huge for us. We made great progress in a lot of area.


  • We changed our UI interface. so user don't have to enter name to play.
  • We added email/password Login and account game stats. We will have Google, Facebook Login intergrated Later.
  • We changed the minimap to display the whole map.
  • Added 2 new ships and created proper ship icons
    • The first new ship is Phoenix - a nimble striker with great mobility and a short duration invisible skill
    • The second new ship is Defiant - a heavy fighter with good cargo size and fire power. The skill for this ship is not designed yet.
  • We made all the ammos, vfxs and bullets trail's color matchs weapons' color.
    • Yellow for light ammo
    • Red for Heavy ammo
    • Green for Energy ammo
    • Blue for Explosive ammo
  • We added a new Weapon - Charging Rail Gun
    • Players can hold mouse button to charge the gun up to 1 second.
    • Charged shots have more travel speed and damage, but also cost more energy.
  • Dropped items are not piled up anymore. Items will repell each other after drop. Players can pick up them eaiser.
  • We designed a basic collision test 16 players map using Blender and made the entity export code work.
  • We redesigned all the weapon perks' model.

Graphics and UI

  • Improved hazard rendering by using a cool shader effect.
  • Improved the health bar, shield bar and energy bar display by using different colors.

Bug Fix

  • Spectate/Main Menu after death didn't work now
  • In game shield bar did not display correctly after losing all the shield
  • Remove testing network transition